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Education & Internships

Catalysing positive change



At Merill, one of our primary goals is to cultivate awareness about local agriculture. We firmly believe that it's crucial for the younger generations to not only learn about local agriculture and responsible practices from books but also to engage in practical, hands-on experiences. That's why we actively encourage experiential learning!


Are you a teacher or affiliated with an educational institution? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us for additional information at

Forging connections for a brighter future

Our network's core mission revolves around nurturing relationships. We firmly believe that forging connections and coming together to raise awareness is the most effective means to catalyse positive change. Additionally, we actively seek to ignite public discourse to garner greater recognition for rural communities.


To further our mission, we actively participate in national and international projects and collaborate closely with like-minded individuals and organisations, including the  MaYA Foundation. We also engage with the academic community to foster a deeper understanding of our cause.


Furthermore, we frequently provide internship opportunities to deserving students from around the world. We hold a strong belief that educating the younger generations about current 'hot topics' is crucial for a brighter future.

Merill Rural Network

Do you think you are a good match for Merill?

As a part of our continuous commitment to drive change, we provide internship opportunities to both international and local students who share an interest in subjects such as rural tourism, social entrepreneurship, and environmental sustainability.

Skills Required 

While our typical interns are bachelor or master's students in fields related to sustainable tourism, agriculture, and the environment, we wholeheartedly embrace knowledge sharing at all levels. Hence, we are open to evaluating candidates from various sectors and with diverse skill sets. We believe that integrating new skills into our team is the catalyst for innovation


Candidates need to: â€‹

Merill Rural Network

Be proficient in English, while not necessarily at a fluent level

Possess strong communication skills or, at the very least, a strong commitment to improving this skill

Be willing to maintain a flexible schedule and adapt to changes in the timetable

Exhibit an entrepreneurial attitude, with a focus on proactivity, autonomy, and adaptability as fundamental skills.

Apply for an Internship

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Intern Insights

Merill Rural Network

"I was impressed by how appreciative the members were for Merill’s membership. It is very easy today to spin any narrative you want about a company and unfortunately this has lead to sustainability communication being awash with misinformation and exaggeration. Merill however is thankfully a true example of sustainability and speaking with members such as Harry the Woodturner and Mario Darmanin the sea salt harvester proved that. Seeing how important Merill's membership was to them to allow them to continue their craft was very inspiring as it proved to me the mission of Merill is being achieved and local people are being genuinely supported. I suppose to sum it up I was most impressed by how genuine Merill was in its mission to support community and tradition".

Eoghan O' Reilly, from Ireland

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